Oriental fashion platform

Since its launch in 2013 The Fashion Orientalist has grown into a platform for talented and established fashion designers from South Asia and the Middle East. We are based in Rotterdam, The Netherlands and work together with fashion industry members e.g. designers, events, PR agencies, fashion weeks, photographers and models from all over the world. Our goal is to become the biggest platform for oriental fashion, presenting the latest collections & best designers to a fast growing readership.

The Fashion Orientalist is a way to celebrate diversity and oriental beauty!

If you are interested in being featured on this website please e-mail us press@thefashionorientalist.com

Join our social community:

Facebook: www.facebook.com/TheFashionOrientalist

Instagram: http://instagram.com/thefashionorientalist

Twitter: www.twitter.com/FashionOriental

Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/fashionoriental

Who is The Fashion Orientalist?

Being of European and South Asian descent I have always been a big fan of the fusion between the West and the East. I’ve studied Communications, Media and Culture for many years and stumbled upon a journal written by Edward Said on Orientalism. Said discussed the Western attitudes towards the East. How does the West portray the East? Very often we just use stereotypes, without any further knowledge about culture. So my aim is to show fashion designs from the orient. Designs made by designers from the East, for example India or the Middle East or even China. I do not want to solely focus on fashion from Eastern designers, I also want to show Western designs that are inspired by the East (or the other way around). If you combine fashion from the orient (the east) and the occident (the west) you get something I would like to call hybrid fashion.

Hope you enjoy reading our articles, feel free to comment or throw in suggestions any time!


Soraya – Founder, Editor-in-Chief

+ Contributing editors

A special thanks to Sylvana Woelders for designing The Fashion Orientalist logo

Photography @ 2014 Roeland Topée | ZinneBeelden – zinnebeelden.com

@ 2015 Patrick den Drijver – Masque-Obscura Photography