Lebanese designer Rami Kadi launched his haute couture fall-winter 2015-16 collection during Paris Fashion Week in July. ‘Lucioles’ (fireflies) is a collection born out of a struggle against a fear of insects and the fight to escape this phobia. While in the US, during his teens, Rami discovered fireflies and was instantly enchanted by these fairy-like creatures, who bring light into the darkness. He then realised that insects aren’t all creepy crawlers. For this collection Rami put aside his fears and drew inspiration from the mysterious world of insects.
Inspired by the aesthetics and graceful movements of these creatures, Rami created an innovative collection, which not only showcases embroidered insects and references to the horror genre, but also the light and magic that creatures like fireflies bring. The embroidery of each ensemble glows in the dark!
Check out this video to see the effects.
Innovative, powerful and dynamic are words to describe this collection. It includes signature Rami Kadi silhouettes. Extravagant, floor length gowns and funky cocktail dresses in mostly black, decorated with white embroidered insects, sparkly embellishments, ostrich feathers and fur. The latter giving this collection a touch of regal style luxury.
Fun fact: Rami invested hundreds of hours of work for certain styles, requiring specific techniques and know-how ranging from sketch development to silk braiding, giving patterns a three-dimensional impression. True craftmanship!
Rami does what only a few other designers dare to do: innovate. A lot of Paris Fashion Week designers, as famous as they might be, stay with what they know best. Season after season they release the most beautiful, breathtaking looks but after a few seasons I am starting to get a little bored. What a lot of designers lack is the courage to innovate and to take risks…afraid of losing their success. But…isn’t haute couture suppose to be like art? Exclusive, extravagant, innovative, nothing like the mass produced type of fashion?
Young designers like Rami take that risk and dare to think outside of the box, which is what makes them special and why I look out for them every single season!
Check out my 6 favorite looks from this collection in the gallery…
Photography by Mohamad Seifeddine