Indian fashion designer Manish Malhotra opened FDCI India Couture Week 2016 (20- 24th of July) with an extravagant runway show. The showcase of his couture collection ‘The Persian Story’ came to a close with Bollywood actors Fawad Khan and Deepika…
Manish Malhotra
Manish Malhotra – India Couture Week 2014 ‘Portraits’
Manish Malhotra unveiled his latest collection ‘Portraits’ during India Couture Week on the 19th of July. In India, haute couture is all about bridal wear which differs from haute couture fashion weeks in the West. A lot of designers in…
Lakmé Fashion Week: ‘A Summer Affair’ by Manish Malhotra
Manish Malhotra showcased his spring/summer collection ‘A Summer Affair’ on the 11th of March during Lakmé Fashion Week. Malhotra is best known for the colorful, traditional Indian costumes that he designs for Bollywood films. The noted Indian designer attracted an…
Manish Malhotra: Couture Royalty
On the 4th of august 2013 one of India’s leading designers, Manish Malhotra showcased his couture collection at the grand finale of PCJ Delhi Couture Week 2013. His collection was inspired by the princely states of India in the 1930s.…
100 Years of Indian Cinema: Manish Malhotra at Lakmé Fashion Week
Lakmé Fashion Week kicked off yesterday with a selection of top designers presenting their summer/resort 2013 collection on the runway. One of my highlights is the talented duo Shivan & Narresh. They presented some fiercely sexy bathing suits, modern saris…
Bollywood Costume Design: Manish Malhotra
If you see the name ‘Manish Malhotra’ appear in the credit list of a Bollywood film, you know you are in for a fashion treat! Malhotra has designed costumes for many leading actresses in Indian cinema and his designs are…