Omani sisters Lubna and Nadia, the creative minds behind Endemage, recently launched their Ramadan 2017 collection. Known for their traditional hand-embroidery techniques, the sisters took inspiration from the chandeliers and architecture of the Grand Mosque in Oman and the floral prints seen in The Sheikh Zayed Mosque in Abu Dhabi. The collection includes both traditional Arabic pieces like the abaya gown combined with hijab headscarf, as East meets West designs. There is something for everyone.
The duo used soft pastel colours for the gowns, embellished with silver and gold embroidery. I adore the shade of blue they’ve used for this collection (a little like the colour of Princess Jasmine’s costume, but a lot less bubble gum and a lot more fashion-forward). The embroidery details give every design that little bit extra. Just like the billowy sleeves and belt details featured in some of the designs. The fabrics are light and natural, perfect for the hotter climates. The cuts are kept loose and simple. This collection oozes elegance. The Endemage woman is effortlessly chic and a true trendsetter when it comes to Arabic fashion!