Premia India Runway Week (IRW) took place last weekend in Delhi, India with shows from established designers and new designer talent. The fashion spectacle was organized by the Indian Federation for Fashion Development (IFFD) and promised to show us ‘tomorrow’s designers today’. Due to an overload of talented and established designers in India it is hard to break through and get noticed as a rookie designer. Competition is fierce, which means you have to innovate and bring something fresh to the table to distinguish oneself from the mainstream. Premia India Runway Week showcased some talented designers who are trying to make it big in the industry. We have some exclusive close up images of the designs and will talk you through some of the highlights of IRW.
The fashion week kicked off with a show from Rajdeep Ranawat, a designer who needs no introduction. His bold prints and colorful designs made heads turn. The models were wearing beautiful jewellery pieces by Seth Jewellers. Rajdeep informed us that he will be showcasing his new spring/summer 2014 collection this October adding that this collection is one of his favorites.
Rosy Ahluwalia presented a beautiful collection of traditional Indian wear combined with jewellery from AKS Jewels. Her use of vibrant reds and oranges really caught my eye. My favorite from the collection is a simple orange maxi skirt combined with a red, heavily embroidered jacket. A perfect east meets west design.
One of my favorite designs from Premia India Runway Week was a design by Amit Talwar, a cross between an anarkali, a sherwani and a contemporary gown, beautifully embroidered with a shimmer of gold and silver around the chest. Talwar used an ombre color palette of soft pink, salmon, coral and red. The designs were combined with jewellery from Sulish Verma for Vikas Chain Jewellery.
Other designers that caught our attention were RSVP by Roli & Saurabh, Raas by Akanskha & Dhruv Arora, Sagar Mehra and Tanmay Sachdeva. What I loved about Tanmay Sachdeva’s designs were his beautiful embroidery designs. RSVP by Roli & Saurabh presented some very creative designs with deep autumn colors, bold embroidery and prints and some edgy contemporary looks that really stood out. One highlight was a simple black sari, with yellow embroidery. Sagar Mehra showcased some stunning Indian gowns, I love his use of intricate embroidery. His gowns are a perfect fit and celebrate the female silhouette.
Studio dream collection by Sandeep and Anju Chanana presented a funky sari with a bold print that really stood out. Collections from Gingerlilly Sleepwear by Megha Taluja and Swati Modo shoes were a lovely addition to the fashion week. Some cute and feminine sleepwear items took the stage during the Gingerlilly show and Swati Modo presented some funky and artistic shoes. Swati was inspired by Lady Gaga for her collection with statement Gaga heels as a result.
Check our gallery and let us know which designs you like best!
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