Luxury designer Khadijah Shah organised an extravagant bridal show to celebrate the 10th anniversary of her brand Élan, during which she unveiled her Bridal Couture Collection 2016 ‘Palais Indochine’. The show look place in Lahore, Pakistan and was live streamed on Élan’s official website. Khadijah collaborated with jewellery designer Sherezad Rahimtoola, who created bespoke pieces for the bridal showcase.
The collection ‘Palais Indochine’ is inspired by the French Indochina colonies in South East Asia. Shah also drew inspiration from Chinoiserie; a style inspired by art and design from China, Japan and other Asian countries. The collection consists of breath-taking bridal gowns in luxurious colours decorated with intricate embroidery and embellishments including small pearls. The designer contemporized traditional motifs, which makes the designs look modern yet classic. The silhouettes are very feminine and chic!
The runway was turned into a romantic forest with white flowers, oriental gates and a lighted gazebo. Photographer Faisal Farooqui and his team at DragonFly shot beautiful pictures from the show. As you can see in the gallery, the photographer captured moments that make it seem like the models are actually at their wedding and in love. It gives me warm and fuzzy feelings, instantly picturing myself walking down the aisle wearing Élan, gazing lovingly into my boyfriend’s eyes…if there was an ‘add to cart button’ on my laptop screen right now I would’ve pushed it, I’m sold!
Which Élan bridal gown got you day dreaming about your special day? Let me know!