The 10th edition of India Runway Week (IRW) took place on April 20 – 22, 2018 in Delhi. It was organised by the Indian Federation for Fashion Development (IFFD). Young, talented designers showcased their spring summer 2018 collections during this edition. This year IFFD Directors Avinash & Kiran celebrated the 5th anniversary of India Runway Week with all of those who have supported them in the past years. Pushing IRW to great heights. Both directors are as young as the fresh talent showcasing their designs on the ramp. They’ve created this event to give rookie Indian designers a platform, introducing them to buyers and giving them the support needed to survive in a competitive industry.
It has been a privilege to feature this event over the years, we’ve seen it grow exponentially. Congratulations to all who have been involved!
The IRW designer line-up included both established as new designers. Bibi Russell opened the event, showcasing her fascination with hand-woven fabric. The grand finale showed the collections of 5 different designers from previous seasons including names like Daniel Siyem, Jenjum Gadi, Niharika, Agnimitra Paul and Shravan Kummar. The finale was dedicated to handloom fabrics and Indian heritage.
Bollywood film and TV stars appeared on the ramp as showstoppers including Karishma Tanna, Sana Khan, Ragini Khanna and Nusrat Barucha, creating a buzz.
Check out the gallery for a few highlights from India Runway Week 2018.