Ridhi Mehra launched her spring summer 2020 bridal collection named MORBAGH on the 2nd of March. The Indian designer has revamped classic bridal ensembles, without compromising on tradition. The collection exists of three sub-collections: JASHN – the modernist, SERAI –…
PFDC L’Oréal Paris Bridal Week 2019
The 9th edition of PFDC L’Oréal Paris Bridal Week 2019 took place from the 26th until the 29th of September at the Nishat Banquets in Lahore, Pakistan. Organized by the Pakistan Fashion Design Council (PFDC), the event featured bridal collections…
Couture Bridal Gowns: Trends from the India Couture Week Runway
The 12th edition of India Couture Week took place from the 22nd until the 28th of July 2019 at the Taj Palace Hotel in New Delhi, India. Yes, I know this was three months ago, but I had a great…
India Couture Week 2018
The 11th edition of India Couture Week 2018 came to a close Sunday evening with a spectacular show by couturier Rohit Bal. He presented his latest collection ‘’Guldasta’’ (bouquet of florals) which is an ode to the magnificent beauty of…
Dutch Indian Fashion Week 2018
The first edition of Dutch Indian Fashion Week (DIFW) took place on the 27-28 of January 2018 at the World Trade Center in The Hague, The Netherlands. DIFW aims to follow the example of Lakmé Fashion Week, which has been…
Saira Shakira 2018 Bridal Couture
Best friends Shakira Usman and Saira Faisal launched their fashion label Saira Shakira in 2011. The duo joined forces after graduating with honours from the Pakistan School of Fashion Design. With the launch of their young fashion brand they were…
Best of PFDC L’Oréal Paris Bridal Week 2017
The 7th edition of PFDC L’Oréal Paris Bridal Week took place from 14-16 October, 2017 in Lahore Pakistan. The event, which showcased the works of 21 designers, is a collaboration between The Pakistan Fashion Design Council (PFDC) and L’Oréal Paris…
FDCI India Couture Week 2017 Highlights including Varun Bahl, Anita Dongre & Manish Malhotra
This year the Fashion Design Council of India celebrates the 10th anniversary of India Couture Week. A decade of couture! 14 couturiers have showcased their haute couture collections during this festive 10th edition, which took place from July 24-30 2017…
FDCI India Couture Week 2017 Highlights including Tarun Tahiliani, Rahul Mishra & Anju Modi
This year the Fashion Design Council of India celebrated the 10th anniversary of India Couture Week. A decade of couture! 14 couturiers have showcased their haute couture collections during this festive edition, which took place from July 24 – 30,…
Fashion Parade London 2017 presents Tena Durrani’s modern-day bride ‘A Rouge Affair’
The Bride and Luxury Prêt edition of Fashion Parade London took place on the 6th of February at One Marylebone, a historic location built in 1826-28 and formally known as the Holy Trinity Church. This event was organised by Sadia…